On the Reasi Terror Attack

Folks, sharing some thoughts on the Reasi attack of 09 June 2024. Let’s see how it goes ..

I’d like to begin with this tweet on the day when the 2024 General Election results were generally known even though counting was still underway: (Link)


Why I wrote the above tweet was for the simple reason that Paakis were jumping with joy at the ‘drubbing’ that was supposedly received by PM Modi in the election. I will come to the ‘drubbing’ part later in the thread. First I want to talk about the joyously jumping Paakis though.

The poor bastards smelled a looming weakness in the GOI in the coming days, and being the simple-minded, binary-thinking idiots that they are, they decided to ‘send across a message’.

Mind you, this wasn’t the first time they did this to coincide with change of govt in India.

If you remember, even in 2014, just a couple of days before the new GOI was sworn in, the Indian Consulate in Herat came under a deadly attack. The date was 23 May and IIRC, the next GOI was to be sworn in on 26 May.

That time Nawaz Sharif was also coming over for the oath taking ceremony. It is believed that the Brown Panted Ones wanted to :

a) Embarrass Nawaz for attending the oath-taking ceremony

b) Do this by taking Indian diplomats hostage & force attention towards Herat instead of Delhi

Thankfully, none of the attackers could even make it to the outer perimeter wall of the Indian Consulate, due to the ITBP detachment protecting it, as well the Afghan security forces.

In 2019, they were still licking their wounds in the aftermath of Pulwama, Balakot and the subsequent loss of an F-16. Their airspace was still closed to ALL traffic. The reason for the Brown Pants being EXTRA Brown that time was this: ‘Qatal ki Raat’: How PM Modi Declined Imran Khan’s Midnight Call

Another reason, possibly, was the much improved mandate that the GOI had returned to power with. And this brings me back to where I started this blog post from – A reduced mandate and a supposedly ‘weak’ PM Modi. Let me talk about my take on this mandate first.

I normally keep politics away from my TL and this time too, what I write is purely my understanding of the mandate as a neutral observer. So take what I write next for whatever it is worth to you. I am not going to indulge in any discussions on this due to difference of opinions.

With 240 seats with the ruling party, there were only two possible outcomes of this election result:

a) PM Modi returning to power, or

b) Hung Parliament and re-election

Thankfully, the winning alliance staked claim and has now formed the govt.

In either case, the incoming GOI can hardly be called ‘weak’ by any metric.

With 240 seats with the largest party, junior members of the coalition don’t have as much of a veto as people might think because in case they withdraw support, there is no alternative but fresh elections. And in case of fresh elections, the tally of the ruling party is very much likely to increase from the present figure of 240.

Once again, I am no psephologist and what I write is my own opinion. Feel free to disagree if your opinion varies from mine.

But fact remains that this is NOT a weak govt by any metric whatsoever, IMO.

Now back to the Reasi incident. I do feel that the Brown Panted rulers of Bhikharistan feel differently from me and truly believe that now there is a ‘weak’ govt in Delhi. So they gave a go-ahead to their soldiers in mufti to do what they do best – Kill unarmed, innocent ‘Infidels’.

This they did with brutal and clinical perfection. And they timed it near perfectly with PM Modi’s oath-taking ceremony.

What exactly happened in Reasi yesterday is fairly well-known, thanks to the mainstream and social media. But I think, this was about all that the simple-minded terror masters in Rawalpindi planned. Beyond that, they only had one plan – DENIAL!

As has been their template from 1947 to 1965 and all the way to Kargil, 26/11, Uri, Pathankot, Pulwama and such incidents is to profess their utter and complete innocence and promise cooperation in subsequent ‘investigations’.

It wasn’t for nothing that Zia ul Haq had once famously remarked that ‘A Muslim is Permitted for a good cause’ or something like that. And in this case, killing of Indians, esp those belonging to the majority is definitely a ‘good’ cause in eyes of the Brown Panted Ones, I’d say.

Hence this attack, specifically on Hindu pilgrims travelling in a bus.

Before moving ahead, let me once again share the horrific visuals of the attack. In fact I think just this one visual will suffice.


May God Bless this little one who lost his life in a battle he had no idea of ..

Pretty soon, people were pointing fingers at TRF for having carried out the attack.

Now what is TRF, you might ask.

Well, TRF is just JuD branded in a different packing which itself is LeT in a new Salwar-Kameez, so that the truest ‘strategic assets’ of Bhikharistan cleverly stay one step ahead of possible sanctions, especially when the country itself is going begging to one and all for money.

Of course, fact remains that whatever shade of salwar-kameez they wear, they all are ultimately working on behest of the Brown Panted Ones sitting comfortably in Rawalpindi.

In fact, even this is something that isn’t too hard to believe:


In case you have any doubts on why I too endorse what @colhunnybakshi wrote above, then I have a white coloured building in Agra to sell to you!

Of course, promptly came the denials by the TRF and the PAFF and their likes.

It wasn’t us, they are crying.

But too bad for them, no one believes them, and for good reason too.

Of course, the Brown Panted Ones in Pindi might still be sitting smugly, patting themselves on their backs for yet another spectacular ‘success’. There are thousands of expendables of TRF and PAFF for them to use and throw.

Talking about ‘spectacular successes’, it is only in order that I once again share the video of this gloating, self-congratulating pig from the Bhikharistani Parliament in the immediate aftermath of the Pulwama terror attack. A MUST WATCH:

Of course, it would be fair to assume that this abomination of a human being would be dancing away all over again at the latest ‘success’ of Reasi.

Btw, just go thru his Twitter TL over the past month or so, for his own views of the recently concluded Indian election!

But on a more serious note comes the question: What Comes Next?

Simply speaking, due to the sheer monstrosity of the attack and the horrific visuals of it, it would be extremely ‘discourteous‘ on our part if a suitable response is not given.

Which once again brings back to the present day GOI.

They have two choices – Either to retaliate, or not.

In either case, the collective opposition will cry merry hell because if they retaliate, then they will be accused of ‘milking’ the terror attack for political gains & if they don’t retaliate, then they will be accused of being weak.

In short, they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

Feel free to disagree with my statement above.

That said, I think a retaliation is quite in order for that very reason – it is better to be damned for retaliating than for NOT retaliating. That, and of course the reputations of the past two NDA govts of strong military retaliations to far lesser provocations than this.

Of course the timing may vary a bit over past such incidents, but then one can only offer one’s own interpretations of such events without any insights whatsoever into what the GOI is actually thinking.

Yet, retaliation, when it comes, absolutely HAS to be accompanied with equal visuals as of the attack itself. This, I believe is also due to lessons learnt during past such retaliations including Surgical Strikes, Balakot and the shooting down of the PAF F-16.

Retribution not only HAS to be visited on the perpetrators, but also be SEEN as having been visited upon them. And by perpetrators, I don’t mean the cannon fodder of TRF / PAFF or such, but the Brown Panted puppet masters sitting in Rawalpindi.

The true locus of the terror industry in Pakistan lies in Rawalpindi and till the time they are not taken out for good, disposable assets in form of these terrorists or even regular foot soldiers are hardly a loss to them sitting there.

I’ve said it before. And I’ll say it again.


Screenshot 2024-06-11 192616

(Link to the tweet screenshotted above)

Unfortunately, all we can do is wait.

One thought process also says that if we wait long enough, then Bhikharistan will end up destroying itself without any major help from anyone else. But that path, though possible, will inevitably end up costing more innocent Indian blood.

I’d rather have the blood flow West of the LoC and if needed, the International Boundary as well.

But then, that is just me. What the GOI does is entirely up to them and totally beyond the control of social media warriors like myself!

Yet, I get a feeling that this blatant challenge to the very legitimacy of a GOI that had not even taken oath of office at the time of the incident simply cannot go unpunished. What form that punishment takes, remains to be seen.

Going by this report where not only faces, names and NATIONALITIES are revealed, but also the names of the front organisations of the Pakistan Army, I’d say overt retribution is more likely to happen. But then, that’s just my opinion.

In the end, I’ll just leave this short video comparing lives on either side of the LoC : Formula 4 in Srinagar Vs Donkey Race in PoK.

Try as they may, they just cannot stop or even slow down India’s inevitable march towards much better lives than them.


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